Šių metų balanžio 30 dieną Jungtinėje Karalystėje įsigalios naujos maisto ir agro produktų patikros pasienyje taisyklės.
Balandžio 23 d. šia tema vyks DEFRA organizuojamas vebinaras. Nuoroda į vebinarą čia.
Siekiant įvertinti verslo pasirengimą besikeičiančioms prekybos taisyklėms, kviečiame dalyvauti apklausoje: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/btom-prepare-for-import-controls-from-30-april-24-animal-products-tickets-818328130467?aff=odcleoeventsincollection&keep_tld=1
Daugiau informacijos anglų kalba:
2nd BTOM Milestone Newsletter for EU MS
In addition to complying with the current controls that came into effect on January 31, from 30 April 2024 traders must:
This session will tell traders all they know about changes to import processes from 30 April 2024 under the Border Target Operating Model. They will provide a step-by-step guide to importing to GB from EU/EFTA and will provide information on entering through a port of entry with a border control post and outline what happens once you get there.
Defra is evaluating trader readiness for the introduction of border checks for SPS goods on 30 April. One of our evaluation methods is an online survey for GB importers and EU exporters of plants & plant products and products of animal origin and those who transit these commodities.
The survey:
Survey link: https://defragroup.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eaffIh2xzGbkWXk
Didžiosios Britanijos ambasados Verslo ir prekybos departamento informacija