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  • Update to EU guidance on adapting workplaces and protecting workers in time of COVID-19
  • Update to EU guidance on adapting workplaces and protecting workers in time of COVID-19

    In a world of work severely affected by the current pandemic, employers and workers have to implement new procedures and practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the workplace. While vaccination will in time lead to the relaxation of measures, it is not clear to what extent, or when, ‘normal’ work activities will resume.

    Occupational safety and health (OSH) offers practical support for adapting work to the new circumstances, and contributes to suppressing transmission of COVID-19. To help in this process, EU-OSHA has just released a revision of the OSH EU guidance that was published last year. The document includes examples of measures, which can help employers achieve an appropriate safe and healthy work environment when undertaking or resuming activities.

    Read and share the updated EU guidance (25 language versions):

    COVID-19: Back to the workplaceAdapting workplaces and protecting workers   (a PDF version)

    EU-OSHA information
