• Testing New Approaches to Training VET and Workplace Tutors for Work Based Learning (TTT4WBL)
  • Testing New Approaches to Training VET and Workplace Tutors for Work Based Learning (TTT4WBL)

    2019-07-26 11:52
    Project name:

    Testing New Approaches to Training VET and Workplace Tutors for Work Based Learning (TTT4WBL) 582951-EPP-12016-2-LV-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY

    Project funding program: Community programme Erasmus+
    Project coordinator: Valsts izglītības satura centrs
    Project partners: LR Izglitibas un Zinatnes Ministrija

    Baltic Bright

    Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus

    Jyvaskylan Ammattikorkeakoulu

    Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts

    Lithuanian VET association

    Qualification and VET Development centre

    Duration of the project: February 2017- January 2020
    Project target audience: VET schools and organisations providing VET.

    Companies providing apprenticeship and work-based learning.

    Project aim and objectives:



    Encourage tutors of enterprises to train VET students  in the workplace, through cooperation and learning in the European Union and at the regional level; to strengthen cooperation between vocational training institutions, social partners and small and medium-sized enterprises; collecting and analyzing robust innovative measures and facilitating their portability.

    Project benefits:

    A joint training program for tutors of companies and methodological materials. Trained  800 tutors in three countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) and a new level of the Baltic political dialogue on the training of tutors in the workplace have been prepared.

    Project website:  


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