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  • Project EU4Business: Connecting Companies TEXTILE
  • Project EU4Business: Connecting Companies TEXTILE

    Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, together with its partners, implements the Eurochambres project EU4Business connecting companies TEXTILE, during which business organizations representing the textile sector are invited to apply and participate in the competition for the grant.

    Maximum amount of support for the implementation of planned activities – EUR 60000.


    Business support organizations that have prepared projects together with organizations from eastern partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), the final beneficiaries are small, medium and micro enterprises.


    EU4BCC action within the above-mentioned sectors have to be implemented through three types of actions:

    • Twinnings: Twinning – here is defined as Capacity Building / Peer to Peer Coaching for BSOs aiming at establishing direct links between BSOs from EU Member States and EaP countries to enable sharing of specific knowledge and best practices, to allow peer to peer exchanges and mutual cooperation. The action is not supposed to be a training, but rather include workshops, on-the-job coaching and/or peer to-peer exchanges, with the help of facilitators and experts (for examples of types of eligible actions see chapter 2.1.2.of Guidelines for applicants)
    • B2B matchings
    • Study visits.

    The action should cover as far as possible three of the following issues:

    • gender equality;
    • business opportunities opened up with the Eastern Partnership Agreements signed between the EU and EaP countries;
    • institutional building, between CCIs and BSOs, best practices, benchmarking, cooperation between companies;
    • transfer of know-how, transfer of technology, synergies with existing networks like Enterprise Europe Network;
    • job creation and poverty reduction;
    • businesses in rural areas run by women and men.


    From the available budget it is mandatory that each proposal will forecast at least 2 visits to Brussels for min. 2 persons for events/trainings/workshops which might be organized under EU4Business:

    Connecting Companies project activities should be conceived as face-to-face activities, implying travel and subsistence.

    However, seen the current COVID–19 pandemic, applicants are also required to present a contingency plan allowing for all actions to be implemented online. Applicants are required to explore various applications/tools allowing for online meetings, webinars, training, conferences, B2B matching, etc.

    Time frame for project activities:

    1 July 2021 to 15 June 2022.

    Detailed information about the project and its conditions can be found in the Guidelines for the applicants here

    If you have any questions please do not hesitate and contact:

    The Head of the International Relations Department of Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts Agnė Jaraitė + 370 623 73520,