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  • EU4Business: Connecting Companies project
  • EU4Business: Connecting Companies project

    We are happy to announce you the organization of an online event on the 12 th and 13 th of November within the framework of the EU4Business: Connecting Companies project.

    We would like to formally invite you to the event, as we think your organization might be interested both in the project and in the upcoming call for proposals we will launch in December 2020.

    Please find below a few pieces of information about the project:

    Boosting sustainable economic development and supporting job creation is at the heart of EU’s contribution to stabilise its neighborhood. This implies helping SMEs to grow; attracting investments in new sectors, and increasing trade opportunities by supporting access to new markets. That is an essential criterion to create more stability in the region, and establish closer relations with the EU.

    The new project will be essentially organised on a sectoral basis. This will allow a more strategic approach, targeting the specific needs and opportunities of each sector, and allow for the creation of alliances between EU and EaP businesses on a sectoral – and therefore more specific – basis.

    The selected sectors are the following:

     Wine
     Bio- / organic food
     Textile
     Tourism
     Creative Industries

    During the 3 years of the project (2020-2022), EU4Business – Connecting Companies will support a wide range of activities for Business Support Organisations and SMEs in the EaP Countries and in EU Member States, such as B2B Matching, Twinnings and Study Visits.

    We shortly present below the main elements of the project:

     Grant contract of € 6.5 mln at 95%; 3 years implementation.
     € 3.5 mln allocated in a “regranting process”, i.e. Call for Proposals issued by the 5 Consortia (each managing a sector) to implement overall 59 specific activities (approx. 11-12 per sector), up to € 60,000 each.
     3 types of activities are foreseen for the Chambers/BSOs applying in the calls issued by the Consortia:
    o Study visits,
    o Twinnings
    o Business to Business matching.

     Strong sectoral focus: proposed actions should be sector driven, and therefore also involve sectoral organisations, as much as they have an interest.

    A presentation with additional details and a timeline will also be done during the event.

    Please register at the following link for the morning event on the 12 th of November:
    As you will see from the agenda, there will be a dedicated session for each sector. We would kindly ask you to register at this link for the textile sectoral session: