• Representatives of the Embassy of Kazakhstan visit Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts
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    • On the 22nd of May Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts accepted a company mission from Latvia. Enterprise Europe partners in Latvia – Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – brought representatives from 5 latvian companies, looking for partners in Lithuania. Latvian companies expressed interest in the business environment and opportunities in Kaunas region. […]

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    • The first newsletter of the STREAM project – micro-credentials for vocational training – is out now! You can read it here: Newsletter May 2024 The objective of this project is to identify the skills necessary for vocational education and training (VET) trainers and business mentors in order to design and manage high quality Work – Based […]

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    • Project coordinator: CIOFS-FP ETS Project duration: 36 months. Project website: https://streamcredentials.eu/ Project newsletter: Newsletter May (2024) Source of funding: Erasmus+ KA2 _Partnerships for Innovation Project partners: Assolombarda (ITA) METROPOLISNET EEIG (DE) C.E.C.E. – CONFEDERACION ESPANOLA DE CENTROS DE ENSENANZA ASOCIACION (ES) CAMARA OFICIAL DE COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA DE ZARAGOZA (ES) RINOVA Malaga (ES) CDETB – CITY OF DUBLIN EDUCATION AND TRAINING […]

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